Sunday, September 19, 2010

Illustrated Example of Play: Matthews Hill, part 2

The next card is the 2 of Clubs. Irwin takes this chance to move the 1st Rhode Island up the road and into battle line. The shorthand we usually use for a formation like this is 6-X. Note that since the lead company both began and ended its move on the road, the regiment can both reform without taking Fatigue Points and move an extra 2 inches.

The regiment then opens fire on Company B of the 4th South Carolina. Although the units under Evans's command are referred to as "companies," they function like regiments in every way. The force holding Matthews Hill in 1861 was made up of two depleted regiments; Evans reorganized them into reinforced companies.

The 1st Rhode Island has a Frontage of 6, so it has a base Combat Grade of 6. Company B is both uphill and at long range, so the volley has a -2 modifier. Company B takes 4 Fatigue Points.

This is the order of battle we've drawn up for this session. The image is a little fuzzy, but we've added 4 black markers on Company B's entry to represent 4 Fatigue Points. Feel free to use dice, pencil and paper, etc.

The 1st Rhode Island also takes 1 Fatigue Point for firing.

With the 3 of Spades Irwin presses his advantage, moving the 2nd Rhode Island up to support their fellows and rattling off a volley at Company D of the 1st Louisiana. This fire is again uphill and at range, so Company D takes 4 Fatigue Points to the 2nd Rhode Island's 1.

The Confederate Player (Pierre) catches a break with the 9 of Diamonds. Company A of the 4th South Carolina remembers where they put their guns and returns fire on the 2nd Rhode Island.

They have a base Combat Grade of 2. Being uphill of their target gives them a +1 modifier, but being at long range gives them a -1. They inflict 2 Fatigue Points of damage.

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