Fatigue Grade
*Basic Movement: + 1 Fatigue Point for every company of Frontage, minus 1
*Shooting: + 1 Fatigue Point
*Taking Fire: + X Fatigue Points, where X is the attacking regiment's Combat Grade
*Moving in Light Woods: + 1 Fatigue Point
*Moving in a Stream: + 3 Fatigue Points
*Moving in a Ford: + 1 Fatigue Point
*Moving uphill: + 1 Fatigue Point
*Moving through a house: + 1 Fatigue Point
*"Pushing" a regiment an extra D3 inches (only once per order): + 1 Fatigue Point
A unit can Push for free if it ends its movement on a Road
*Wheat: + 1 Fatigue Point
*Abattis: + 2 Fatigue Points
Combat Grade
*Close Range (within 2 inches): + 1 Combat Grade
*Normal Range (within 4 inches): + 0 Combat Grade
*Long Range (within 12 inches): - 1 Combat Grade
*Target downhill: + 1 Combat Grade
*Target uphill: - 1 Combat Grade
*Target in Light Woods: - 1 Combat Grade
*Target in Stream: + 2 Combat Grade
*Firing from Stream: -2 Combat Grade
*Target in Ford: + 1 Combat Grade
*Firing from Ford: - 1 Combat Grade
*Target in House: - 2 Combat Grade
*Target in Wheat: - 1 Combat Grade
*Target in Abattis: - 2 Combat Grade
*Targetting regiment's flank: + 1 Combat Grade
*Targetting regiment's rear: + 2 Combat Grade
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We imagine these lists will grow as the game grows, but these are all the Fatigue Point penalties and Combat Grade modifiers you'll need to play the Matthews Hill scenario.
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